Your Guide to Radon Inspection in Obetz, Ohio
We make sure that your home is free of harmful radon. Schedule a radon inspection in Obetz, Ohio with us today and we will make sure you home is safe!
Whether you’ve owned your home or business for several years, or you’re looking to purchase a new one in Obetz, OH, it’s important to protect your investment by thoroughly testing for potential hazards. While most homeowners are aware of the importance of a general home inspection, a radon inspection is often overlooked. In some cases, Ohio residents simply aren’t aware of the dangers and prevalence of radon in our state. In other cases, homeowners don’t want to spend the extra time and money on a radon inspection.
Fortunately, Home Inspections LLC is equipped to help Ohio and Obetz area residents quickly identify the presence of radon and take the necessary steps to ensure safety. Our licensed radon inspectors have the knowledge and experience to quickly conduct a thorough inspection. Our radon inspections in Obetz, OH offer the best in convenience, affordability and unparalleled expertise, so that you feel confident your home or business provides a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Schedule a radon inspection in Obetz, OH with us now.
What is Radon
One of the main reasons that homeowners skip a radon inspection is because they simply aren’t aware of radon and the dangers it can pose. Radon is a radioactive gas that is both colorless and odorless, making it impossible to detect without specific tests. This gas forms when naturally occurring uranium decays. Typically, radon gas is found in the soil and seeps into homes through cracks in the foundation. Because radon is radioactive, it poses a variety of health problems to those who are exposed to high levels for prolonged periods of time. In fact, radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. Therefore, you should schedule a radon inspection in Obetz, OH before it's too late.
Is There a Safe Level of Radon
The United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has determined that a measurement of less than 4 picocuries per liter of air is a safe level. Once the concentration of radon reaches 4.0 pCi/L or above, the USEPA recommends that homeowners take action to reduce the amount of radon and protect their health. Be sure to schedule a radon inspection in Obetz, OH with us today and we will make sure your home is at a safe level.
When inhaled or consumed in small quantities, (less than 4.0 pCi/L) radon is not considered a health threat. If testing reveals levels above the norm, further analysis is necessary. Both odorless and colorless, it is impossible to detect without special equipment, and prolonged exposure can lead to lung cancer. Our radon inspections in Obetz, OH will accurately test for this threat.
Radon Inspection in Obetz, OH: Where Does Radon Come From
Radon gas is created during the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. Uranium is a natural element with weak radioactive elements in its original state. However, when the material starts to decay, it changes from a solid form to gas form, and this is when it becomes dangerous to humans.
Typically, radon is found in soil and rocks, but it can also be present in rivers, lakes and well water. Radon exposure occurs when humans inhale the gas, but radon can also be ingested. Because it originates from the soil, lower levels of the home, including the basement, will have the highest levels of radon. Contact us today to schedule a radon inspection in Obetz, OH to make sure your home is safe.
How Does Radon Affect the Body
Radon is most commonly associated with lung cancer. When inhaled, the particles attack the lungs, ultimately resulting in abnormal cells that multiply and form cancerous tumors in the lungs. The USEPA estimates that 21,000 people per year die of lung cancer that was caused by exposure to radon. Among non-smokers, it is the number one cause of lung cancer. Take preventative measures against lung cancer and schedule a radon inspection for your Obetz, OH home today.
How Does Radon Affect the Body
Radon is most commonly associated with lung cancer. When inhaled, the particles attack the lungs, ultimately resulting in abnormal cells that multiply and form cancerous tumors in the lungs. The USEPA estimates that 21,000 people per year die of lung cancer that was caused by exposure to radon. Among non-smokers, it is the number one cause of lung cancer.
Call us today and schedule a radon inspection for your Obetz, OH home.

Note: If you are a former smoker, your risk may be higher. *Lifetime risk of lung cancer deaths from EPA Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes (EPA 402-R-03-003). **Comparison data calculated using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 1999-2001 National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Reports.
EPA 402/K-13/002 | September 2013 (revised)
How Does Radon Affect Smokers
Smokers who are exposed to radon have a significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer. Years of smoking can damage the protective membranes that cover the lungs. Without the help of these membranes, the lungs are left more vulnerable to the harmful, cancer causing effects or radon. The statistics regarding exposure to high levels of radon, smoking and lung cancer are frightening:
Call us today and schedule a radon inspection for your Obetz, OH home.
How Does Radon Affect Smokers? Radon Inspections in Obetz, OH
Smokers who are exposed to radon have a significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer. Years of smoking can damage the protective membranes that cover the lungs. Without the help of these membranes, the lungs are left more vulnerable to the harmful, cancer causing effects or radon. The statistics regarding exposure to high levels of radon, smoking and lung cancer are frightening:
Note: If you are a former smoker, your risk may be lower.
EPA 402/K-13/002 | September 2013 (revised)
How Does Radon Enter My Home
Radon enters the home through cracks around the house and holes in the foundation. As uranium, which naturally occurs in the soil, decays it turns into radium and gives off radon gas. This odorless and colorless gas can easily seep through tiny cracks. A radon inspection in Obetz, OH will determine if this is the case for your home.
In addition, decaying matter can also attach to building materials, which means that low levels may be detected in drywall, granite countertops and other areas of the home. Getting your foundation and crawl spaces inspected is part of the prevention process. This is important during a radon inspection because it is the only way to ensure that your home or business is safe is to have the property specifically tested for radons.
Schedule your radon inspection in Obetz, Ohio now: 1-800-241-1033